Dear Sandra,

I don’t think I ever came out and said “Thank you” for all that you gave to me. I didn’t want to say something that somehow acknowledged that you weren’t always going to be with us.

You always made me feel welcomed in the community, even when I was a rank beginner. We had met shortly before the FGS conference in Cincinnati. Somehow, we ended up going line dancing at that conference. I will never forget that.

I treasure the afternoon I got to spend with you at the FGS booth in Knoxville. We talked, we laughed, we marveled (or wondered <g>) about things people did. We even took a couple of dance steps. I remember walking away from the booth wondering how many more chances I’d have to do that with you. Little did I know…

Your poise, your warmth, your generosity…  your heart… is what I will always remember and will carry with me.

So to you, Dear Sandra, from this midwestern girl who also has a fondness for Little Debbie Fancy Cakes: Thank you.


Sandra Hargreaves Luebking passed away early this morning. She will undoubtedly be remembered for editing The Source and the FGS FORUM. She made those contributions to the genealogical community, but she made so many more contributions to the world just by being her.